Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What does adding egg or milk do to a basic bread recipe?

I've finally mastered the basic white bread recipe with yeast, flour, water and oil. It comes out as a soft yet chewy bread.

I see other recipes where an egg is added or milk is substituted for water. What does this do to the texture and firmness of the bread?

Thanks in advance.What does adding egg or milk do to a basic bread recipe?
Milk will add a richer flavour, and eggs will add a lighter, fluffier texture.What does adding egg or milk do to a basic bread recipe?
Eggs will give the bread a yellow color and milk will give a finer texture.

Mashed potato flakes will make the bread VERY soft... about 1/4 cup flakes to 1cup flour
It will keep it from being less chewy, and have a finer crumb for use in sandwiches. Egg is also a binder, so the final product will be moister and a darker color. The milk contains sugar, which also helps the bread brown and adds a bit of sweetness.

If you've mastered the basic French bread (flour, water, yeast, oil, salt) then you're ready to move on! Congratulatiosn!

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