Saturday, August 21, 2010

How can you fix a banana bread recipe if you added too many eggs?

I added three eggs instead of two... is there any way to salvage the recipe? I haven't finished mixing the ingredients yet. The eggs are blended with 1 stick butter and 1 cup sugar.

Thanks! (Maybe there is some trick to salvaging cake/bread recipes if too many eggs are added?)How can you fix a banana bread recipe if you added too many eggs?
see how much dry mix you have(measure it). If its 1 cup of dry then add additional 1/3 cup of Flour. This will ensure that the dough is not too wet when you put the wet and dry together.. What ever the amount of dry mix you have increase it by 1/3 to account for the extra egg.How can you fix a banana bread recipe if you added too many eggs?
Take half of the recipe again, half the flour sugar etc, and add it to it. So now instead of one full recipe you have a recipe and a half. You are just making more. That is the only way I know of.
I dont think it will hurt it, eggs are the stabalizer of the recipe. It will make it a little lighter and rise a bit further but otherwise should be fine.

I would just procede with it

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